Bueno aqui un crackeador del radmin en perl, espero que le silva :D
#!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket; ################################################## # Radmin with empty password scanner # # usage: ./scan.pl 213.59.*.* # thanx to Forb # ################################################################################ ##### $|++; use IO::Socket; ## ????? ?????? $pids=10; ## Count of threads $port = 4899; ## Default port $tout = 5; ## Default timeout $log = 'scan.log'; ## Default logfile $once=0; $fatal=0; if (@ARGV[0]=~/((.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*))/) { $netmask = $1; $n1 = $2; $n2 = $3; $n3 = $4; $n4 = $5; } quit("Incorrect port") if ($port=~/\D/); quit("No hostmask given") unless $netmask; check(); while(1) { @ips=@ipz[$once..$once+$pids]; for ($i=0;$i<=$pids;$i++) { unless($ips[$i]) { killpidz(); exit print "Scan is complete\n"; } if ($pid=fork()) { push(@forked,$pid); } else { $res=check_radmin($ips[$i],$port); logg($ips[$i],$res) if ($res ne 0); exit; } } $once+=$pids; killpidz(); } sub check { for ($i=0;$i<=254;$i++) { $ipi = $i; if ($n2 ne '*') { $i = 254,$ipi = $n2 } for ($j=0;$j<=254;$j++) { $ipj = $j; if ($n3 ne '*') { $j = 254,$ipj = $n3 } for ($k=1;$k<=254;$k++) { $ipk = $k; if ($n4 ne '*') { $k = 254,$ipi = $n2 } my($ipaddr) = "$n1\.$ipi\.$ipj\.$ipk"; chomp($ipaddr); push(@ipz,$ipaddr); } } } } sub quit { my($reason)=@_; print "$reason\n" if $reason; exit; } sub logg { my($ip,$ans)=@_; open(LOGG,">>$log"); $str="NULL PASS!!!" if $ans eq 1; $str="need pass." if $ans eq 2; print LOGG "$ip:$port : $str\n"; close(LOGG); } sub killpidz { foreach (@forked) { chomp; waitpid($_,0); kill("TERM" => $_) } undef @forked; } sub check_radmin{ ($host,$port)=@_; $sock=IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Photo => "tcp"); if($sock) { $sock->send("\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x08\x08"); $sock->recv($data,1024); close($sock); @marks=split(//,$data); foreach(@marks){ $string.=unpack('H8', $_); } if($string=~/a080/g){ return 1; } else{ return 2; } }else { return 0;} }
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