Wordpresscan - WPScan reescritos en Python + algunas ideas WPSeku

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Wordpresscan - WPScan reescritos en Python + algunas ideas WPSeku

Un simple Wordpress escáner escrito en Python basa en el trabajo de WPScan (versión de Ruby)

instalacion de dependencias:

pip install requests
pip install tornado


git clone https://github.com/swisskyrepo/Wordpresscan.git
cd Wordpresscan

actualizacio de base de datos:

python main.py -u "http://localhost/wordpress" --update --random-agent

-u : Url of the WordPress
--update : Update the wpscan database
--aggressive : Launch an aggressive version to scan for plugins/themes
--random-agent : Use a random user-agent for this session


python main.py -u "" --fuzz

[i] Enumerating components from aggressive fuzzing ...
[i] File: - found
[i] File: - found
[i] File: - found
[i] File: - found
[i] File: - found
[i] File: - found
--fuzz : Will fuzz the website in order to detect as much file, themes and plugins as possible

Descarga: https://github.com/swisskyrepo/Wordpresscan

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